Ed Tech - Strategy & Design

Design Research | Service Design | Information Architecture | Design System

"Massive quality of life improvement."

Above is a customer quote from a qualitative research participant who contributed to generative and evaluative design sessions.

4.6m Students,
700k Educators

Our offerings provide experiences for millions of learners (kids & adults) across multiple states and overseas.
7 new products in 2 years.

$6m Projected Revenue

A new feature set shows quick adoption and $6m in projected revenue within the first year.

Unified Design System &
Information Architecture

There were 3 discrete application that were merged through a design system focusing on primary navigation, page templates, interaction patterns, and information architecture.


User Testing

We tested our new designs with current users and non-users, based on 3 key flows people go through when accessing a information. Users successfully completed our tasks, though they did struggle with discoverability for a couple of interactions, and we were able to scan our qualitative feedback to find out why. Design updates were made to resolve this issue.


Data Analytics Summary and Detail System Patterns

This series of views was produced to bring new analytics tools together in a shared design system. We had summary view providing overview of key metrics, insights, and table data as a data narrative from top to bottom. Our detail analytics pages had source input filtering patterns for raw data, relative domains, and multiple dimensions.

These views were also helpful in putting finer details on our information architecture, with breadcrumb, page title, data curation vs data filtering, and where to position advanced details on items.

Color was designed for accessibility in mind, and we chose three types that work best for different types of datasets:

• Volumetric - by tint (darker for higher)
• Categorical - by hue (pink, orange, blue)
• Divergent - by cool/warm (red for high, blue for low)


Conferencing Feature

This experience was created for the Professional Learning product area and designed to help educators organize, manage and attend collections of learning sessions in order to grant state required continued education credits.


Want to see more?

Please contact me to learn more about these programs involving discovery research, product strategy, concept validation, and analytical user behavior.